Programming and Projects

The purpose of the Programming and Projects area is to identify the demands and needs in the areas of Science, Technology and Innovation by incorporating an integrated vision in the institution’s annual budgets, consistent with the strategic lines of the National Science, Technology, and Innovation (CTI as in Spanish) Policy and Plan. Likewise, it collaborates with the institutional units in the formulation of their annual operational plans to develop the five-year programming, through the use of programming, formulation and follow-up tools for their public investment projects.

The Planning Office, together with SENACYT’s (as in Spanish) Administration and Finance Department, have made progress towards an integrated institutional programming that, based on the objectives and goals of PENCYT (as in Spanish) 2015-2019, integrates the projects of the National Public Investment System (SINIP as in Spanish), and the breakdown of the activities and projects executed by SENACYT (as in Spanish):